Your business is your brainchild and you, of course, are the CEO. It can be tempting to handle all parts of the business yourself, or at least have your fingers in everything. But here are a few reasons you should think beyond control in your business.

  1. You are limiting your success. Your business can never grow bigger than an operation that can be handled by one person.
  2. If all work has to flow through you before it can be completed, your business will not move very quickly. Waiting for you to sign off on everything will hold up the people trying to help you.
  3. Your employees will not strive to develop new ideas if they think you will just do what you want anyway. Trust that you have made good hiring decisions, trust that your employees will do good work, and then get out of their way.
  4. You will become exhausted, you won’t do your best work, and you may begin to resent the business you have worked so hard to create.

Delegate and empower yourself. Think about where you want to take your business and ask yourself:

What would you create if you gave up toiling about your social media?

How much time could you claim back if you relinquished your blog to a ghost writer?

What kind of progress could you make in your business if your newsletters were managed for you?

Letting go of something you created is scary. But if you take a step back and consider your options, you can either try to control all parts of your work, or you can give up things that aren’t your superpower so you can plan for the growth you dream about.